The following support article explains how a Custom Efficiency Formula can be sent through our system by an API Call, whether using Postman or any other API Management System, in the scenario when an Own Competition Management System is used and is integrated with us. 

1. The Competition Formats can be created or updated by using the following POST API Call:


The structure of the call will require the specific and distinctive League ID, this will allow to create or modify any aspects of the Competition Formats for this specific league.

Those aspects will need to be described and input into the Body structure of the call.

2. Weather you are selecting multiple aspects to add in the body structure for the Competition Formats or as in this case where the goal it is just to add the Custom Efficiency Formula, it will be required to add always the Competition ID as a mandatory aspect in the Body structure.

Note:  The Custom Efficiency Formula will also be required to be put it into the body structure below the Competition ID before sending the call. 

The following is an example of a formula that could be added in the Body structure:

(sPoints + sAssists + sBlocks + sSteals + sFoulsOn + sReboundsTotal) - (sTurnovers + sBlocksReceived + sFoulsPersonal + sFoulsTechnical + (sTwoPointersAttempted - sTwoPointersMade) + (sThreePointersAttempted - sThreePointersMade)).

3.  After knowing which will be your own Custom Efficiency Formula, this is how the body structure of the call should look like:

Body Content: 


"competitionId" : (add here the Competition ID Number),

"customEfficiencyFormula": "(add here own efficiency formula)"


Like the example:


"competitionId": 0000,

"customEfficienctFormula": "(sPoints+sAssists+sBlocks+sSteals+sFoulsOn+sReboundsTotal)-(sTurnovers+sBlocksReceived + sFoulsPersonal+sFoulsTechnical+(sTwoPointersAttempted-sTwoPointersMade)+(sThreePointersAttempted-sThreePointersMade))"


After having all the data in place please feel free to send the call, this will provide us with your own Custom Efficiency Formula for the Players' Efficiency calculations.