1. In Fiba Organizer Online go to Security->Users, type user name/surname in Search box and click Enter button.


2. In Search results window select the check box next to the user and click Edit button.

3. Depending on roles user has, access can be provided to different categories.

  • To grant access to certain teams for team statistics operator or team contact, in Edit user window select Statistics operator attributes or Team contact attributes tab. Use filter if necessary and double click teams in Available list to add to Selected list. Click Save button.

  • To grant access to certain leagues for nominator or competition administrator, in Edit user window select Nominator attributes or Competition admin attributes tab. Use filter if necessary and double click leagues in Available list to add to Selected list. Click Save button.

  • To grant access to certain regions for competition director or regional administrator, in Edit user window select Competition director attributes or Regional admin attributes tab. Use filter if necessary and select regions. Click Save button.

Useful articles about the roles and their rights, accesses:

