
Pre-game functionality may depend on the scoreboard and how the scoreboard is used in the particular arena.


FIBA LiveStats uses the scoreboard feed for pre-game only if the scoreboard is returning clock data with quarter number = 0.

If the scoreboard is set to quarter = 1 or any other quarter, pre-game clock will immediately change to 0 and prompt users for starters and allow to start the game. 


As for the start/stop handling for pre-game - it is the same as in-game described below in Clock Control section.


Clock Control

All manual clock control is disabled if the scoreboard is connected to FIBA LiveStats. 


Instead of usual start/stop clock buttons users would only see informational, not-clickable “buttons” that are indicating if the clock is stopped or running:

The space bar is also disabled and will not do anything related to clock controls.


The user can still make edits for actions and change time value for any action in the Action Log.

Score Notifications

If the scoreboard is connected to FIBA LiveStats, additional boxes near the score will appear that will display the score from the scoreboard. The teams are recognised and matched with the scoreboard by home/away allocation.

If the scores do not match for more than 2 seconds, the non-matching score will start blinking like shown in the example below. If the scoreboard score or LiveStats score is updated and it matches once again - the blinking will stop.

If the scores do not match for more than 5 seconds, the non-matching score will continue blinking and FIBA LiveStats will set their score feed as "Score unreliable" and send the information to downstream consumers. This does not necessarily mean that score in FIBA LiveStats is incorrect - it only means, that there is a discrepancy within the scores. 

Quarter Control

With the scoreboard connected, the quarters must still be started/ended/confirmed by the statistician. They will not end or start automatically.

Start of the game

The scoreboard feed will not be taken until the pre-game clock expires and the statistician has selected starters, jump ball players, and clicked Start Clock button to start the game (after the jump ball is tossed). After that, all clock control goes to the scoreboard and the statistician cannot control the clock manually.

End of a quarter


When the clock runs out the statistician will need to end and confirm the quarter the same way as with a manual clock - the statistician has to click the End Quarter button. 


Once the buzzer sounds and the quarter ends we encourage statisticians to End Quarter as soon as possible after they finish adding all the actions from that quarter end.


If an action occurs right at the end of the quarter and the clock has expired before the statistician can enter it, follow this procedure:

  • Enter the action at 00.0 (this is permitted with the automatic clock, but not with the manual clock)
  • Entering an action at 00.0 will create a flag on that play
  • End the quarter
  • Edit the action to change the timestamp to a non-00.0 time (00.2 or similar), and save it
  • The flag will be cleared


Start of a new quarter


The start of a new quarter is the same as when using manual clock control - the statistician has to click the Setup Quarter button and then after that the Start Period button. The reset of the clock on the scoreboard will not be visible in FIBA LiveStats until the statistician clicks the Start Period button.

Forcing the end of a quarter

There may be scenarios when the quarter has ended but the statistician did not manage to click End Quarter button in the time interval before the scoreboard operator reset the clock on the scoreboard.


In this situation, the statistician is left in the same quarter but the clock has been adjusted to a break or next quarter time and the statistician needs to force the end of that quarter. Under the Game menu, there is a Force End Period item added for this scenario. It will reset the clock in FIBA LiveStats to 0:00 and then the statistician will be able to end the quarter.