This is a Non-Mandatory update and includes the following fixes/improvements: 

  1. Technical Foul for Coach or Bench does not proceed to Free Throw workflow
  2. Deleting Game Actions sets incorrect message order in DWH aggregator. 
  3. “Assist by” Players in the Free Throw workflow don’t match Players that are actually active on-court
  4. Changes are not displayed in Action Log during and after initial Jump Ball
  5. Fixed an issue when multiple attempts (clicks) had to be performed in order to submit post-game edits (“Application Error: Cannot submit post game edits)
  6. Wrong Clock Time displayed in main Scoreboard (Webcast) incorrectly after performing a Field Goal Edit. 
  7. Head and Assistant Coaches are inverted in the Start List Report. 
  8. [Feature: FT can be put On Hold] Fixed a bug when wrong Team Players were displayed in the Assist by section when opening FT results screen from Action Log
  9. [New Feature] Pre-Match Check can be executed via App Menu (without having to enter Game Setup)
  10. User is notified when a Match Key is already in use by another FLS instance
  11. IMPORTANT: If two or more FLS instances use the same Match Key and establish two Webcast connections in parallel, the app will constantly display “Lost Control” error message for both