How to Create Arenas
1. In FIBA Organizer go to Competition->Arenas and click Add button.
2. In Create a New Arena window fill Arena name and Address in English and national languages, select a City and click Save button.
Note. If you can't find your city in the drop-down list, please add it as it is described in the point #6 in this article.
3. After creating the venue, check if the City has a Timezone. If timezone is missing, go to Content->Cities, type city name in Search box and press Enter.
4. In Search results window select the check box next to the city and click Edit button.
5. In Edit city window select a timezone and click Save button.
Note. It is important because the correct timezone/correct tip off time of the game is taken form the timezone of the arena.
6. If the required city is not listed in FO when adding new Arena, go to Content -> Cities. To be completely sure Search for it.
7. If the city is missing, click Add button and fill the form with Name, Country and Timezone. Now you can come back to the point #2 and add the city to the arena.